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All the Cats in Pal World and Why They Are Great

As a huge Pokémon fan, Pal World has been a breath of fresh air. It's fun, it has cute little dudes in it. The game play is what I've been waiting for in a monster collector game.

That's not to say that it is free of controversy. I can definitely pick out the pieces of the game that "borrow" from other franchises. It'll be interesting to see how Pal World's legacy plays out.

In the meantime, there are some great pals, cats included!

Below are all the Pals that resemble cats in the far. The criteria for cat pals includes physical characteristics (cat ears, tails), cat somehow in the name and general vibe. 😸

Note: There isn't a way to turn off the HUD in Pal World yet so I apologize for my cluttered screenshots. (=^ ◡ ^=)


"At a glance it appears full of confidence, but it is in fact weak and cowardly. Being toyed with by a Cattiva is in many ways the greatest of disgraces."

It took a moment for Cattiva to grow on me. Cattiva is everywhere in early-game so it's easy to take them for granted.

But this little "cowardly" cat is great.

They are especially helpful with their ability Cat Helper. It allows the player to have a little bit more carrying capacity. It's especially helpful for tedious early-game tasks like gathering iron ore.


"It has few friends because of the perpetually grouchy look on its face, but it is in fact kindhearted. Some have seen it feeding Vixy who have strayed from their pack."

Oh man Depresso. Depresso is already a legend. This is the hero we've needed.

I think this might be the most relatable Pal in the whole Paldeck.

Depresso isn't my favorite to have in my party, but I love having the little one around the base. Depression energy follows this little cat in everything it does. Have Depresso assigned to mine? You better believe Depresso is going to have as much attitude as possible while on the job.

Plus, look at that description! Depresso is kindhearted and feeds stray Pals? Come on, that's the best.


"Grintale's eyes light up the moment anyone enters its territory. This is no figure of speech-its eyes literally light up."

I LOVE Grintale. Full disclosure, this might be my favorite Pal.

At first, I thought this feline was basic. But there's so much more to Grintale.

Grintale reminds me of the cat bus from My Neighbor Totoro, so there's instant nostalgia points there. I love how slightly menacing this kitty is. And I do definitely note the resemblance to Galarian Meowth, (the eyes are like exactly the same), but I like this design so much more.

Plus, you can ride this Pal and squish enemies!!


"Its hard tail does not deteriorate even when cut off. Some believed these severed tails to be good luck, but for the innumerable Mau who were poached as a result, they were anything but."

The Maus are a classic cat. It's great to have Mau running alongside you while running around smacking Pals to catch.

Mau might be the most cat on this list. Not only is it cat-shaped, but its name is actually based on the real-life cat breed the Egyptian Mau.

When assigned to ranch at base, Mau can dig up coins. A money creating cat? Super helpful.

Mau Cryst

"Its crystalline tail is beautiful, but shatters when this Pal dies. Some believe it is good luck to raise one, so Mau Cryst in captivity are treated with great care."

Mau Cryst is cool, ha get it? 😸 Something I clearly am not.

I love this cat. Although I'm biased towards characters with a blue color palette.


"During the dry season, this Pal is always on the verge of blowing a fuse, Sparks can fly with even the slightest provocation even amongst allies."

Sparkit might be a knock-off Pikachu, but... it's a cat Pikachu!

The "Livewire Tabby" is the only electric type on this list making it super useful to have around the base. It also has work suitability for handiwork and transporting so it'll usually have something to do even when it's not powering a generator.


"With the power of shadows it produces arcane phenomena. It prefers to eat food raw and is particularly hostile towards Wixen."

Katress is just cool. Look at that colorful and pawerful design.

According to the wiki, Katress' name may be a combo between cat and enchantress. That's a vibe I can get behind. Katress looks like an emo witch MMO character that I would create and adore.

This pal is great as a travel companion with a solid set of range attacks and a useful partner skill "when fighting together, increases dropped items from defeated Neutral Pals."


"Crawling along the ground, it eats microscopic organic matter. After a while, it discharges any substances that provide no nutrition. By using it as a mop for cleaning, everyone wins!"

OMG, look at it.

Swee is a super simple design. A ball of fuzz with cat ears!

I think that simple design is really what makes Swee excellent. Yeah we can have badasses like Katress but a sentient floof that wiggles across the floor has a special place in my heart.


"While hibernating, a large number of Swee hide within its voluminous body hair. The most ever recorded is 101."

Just like Swee, I love Grandpa floof. Sweepa is a big guy with a moustache. Sweepa is a decent tank. Oh and when you build the saddle you can ride this guy, very slowly, but still!

It's also a pro cuddler according to it's Paldeck entry. I'm just trying to picture 10 let alone 101 Swee hanging out in this Pal's fur.


"Often appears out of the blue to flaunt its prized wings in front of other Pals. Although it seems to be an intimidation tactic, the Pal seems to derive some kind of pleasure from the display."

This Pal gives me Final Fantasy vibes, and that seems to be reasonable since FF does indeed have a winged cat creature the Gaelicat.

Tombat is the only flyer on this list, making it especially useful during battles with a variety of Pals.

It is an excellent exploration companion. Again, those range attacks come in handy. I used this Pal to conquer some of the earlier bosses and it did not disappoint.

Who is your favorite Pal? Cat or otherwise 😸 We'd love to hear about them in the comments below

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