For a limited time, players of deception game Among Us can collect Pusheen cosmetic items.
Items can be purrchased in the in-game store for 110 stars. The event runs from now until Sept. 13.
The Pusheen Cosmicube includes the unlockables:
-Cat Nap Hat
-Donut Mess With Me Nameplate
-Gorgeous! Visor
-If I Fits I Sits Hat
-Kissy Kitty Visor
-Kool Kat Visor
-Lilac Pastel Pusheen Hat
-Lilac Pastel Pusheen Skin
-Mint Pastel Pusheen Hat
-Mint Pastel Pusheen Skin
-Om Nom Nom Visor
-Pink Pastel Pusheen Hat
-Pink Pastel Pusheen Skin
-Pip Pet
-Pusheen Pet
-Pusheen Skin
-Pusheen Smile Visor
-Pusheen The Hat
-Single Rainbow What Does It Mean Nameplate
-Sloth Hat
-Sloth Skin
-Stormy Pet
-Strawberry Fields Nameplate
-Super Pusheenicorn Hat
-Super Pusheenicorn Skin
-What Do You Have There? Nameplate
-Yaaaaay Visor